Infant Jesus
Post Name:ija-leads


Learning through Alternative Design Systems

The Covid 19 pandemic has brought about drastic changes in people’s way of life, and that includes students’ learning which many schools had to address. Fortunately for the Infant Jesus Academy Schools System, it had already shifted into a more progressive approach to education which included the integration and maximization of the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in classroom instruction in the last five years. To deal with the challenges of restrictions on group interactions brought about by the COVID 2019 threat, the IJA System will implement, beginning SY 2020-2021, the IJA LeADS (Learning through Alternative Design Systems) Mode
Learning through Alternative Design Systems

What is IJA LeADS

The IJA LeADS is a blended mode of getting the school’s instructions/services across. This means that the teaching-learning process will be a combination of:
  1. distance learning modes which may be done online via the Internet or through self-learning modules (printed or digital materials that students use to study on their own); and
  2. face-to-face classroom setting (This will only be done if and when health and education authorities declare that it is safe to do so).This means that depending on the need and situation, the child may either be doing distance learning or face-to-face classroom learning but modified to ensure compliance with health standards and physical distancing.

Why are we doing this?


To support learning, both online and offline.


To create more convenient ways to facilitate teaching, learning, and administrative processes.


To provide for continuous improvement and innovation of the teaching-learning process.

What are the Possible Modes of Learning in IJA LeADS?

Distance Learning


(This will only be conducted if and when health and education authorities declare that it is safe to do so.)

How Will Classes be Conducted?

No. of Students 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 15 - 20 15 - 20
Printed Modules / Online Activities / Instructional Audio/Video Used/Conducted Used/Conducted Used/Conducted Used/Conducted Used/Conducted
Face-to-face Mode Possibly 1-2x a week Possibly 2-3x a week Possibly 2-3x a week Possibly 2-3x a week Possibly 2-3x a week
Textbooks Required Required Required Required
Goal-Setting Session Conducted Conducted Conducted
Learning Journals Required Required Required
Learning Dependence Learning Coach strongly recommended Learning Coach upon adviser’s recommendation Student must study independently Student must study independently Student must study independently
Students will have access to online resources such as:
Webinars and
YouTube Videos
Audio Recordings and
Educational Blogs and
Virtual Laboratories

How Will Students Be Graded?

Formative Assessments in the form of “Self-Checks for Understanding”, embedded in the learning materials and/or Actual Feedback of teachers to students shall be made. These will not be graded. Summative Assessments (like long tests and quarterly tests) will not be solely paper and pencil as they used to be, but shall take other forms like Performance Tasks, Capstone Projects and/or Portfolios. These will be graded. The grading system shall be both descriptive and narrative. Students’ individual achievements will not be compared; thus no ranking of students will be done. At this time, the school looks at the effectiveness of the learning process and resulting advancement in knowledge, skills, and attitudes as more important considerations over numerical grades and ranks.


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